Αποτελέσματα Δεκεμβρίου 24 Μπορείτε να αιτηθείτε Feedback για τα Writing Tasks έως 04/03/2025. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε στο 210 3300011

Examination Terms & Requirements


Not allowed:

  • the presence of a second person in the room
  • notes, dictionaries, supporting material
  • electronic devices (mobile phone, tablet, etc)
  • leaving one’s desk / use of toilet

Candidates are allowed blank pieces of paper and a pen to take notes. .

IMPORTANT: In the event of an internet connection failure / power failure on the candidate’s part, the examination is cancelled and the candidate will be able to sit for the exam on the next available date.


1. Demo test: It is mandatory for all candidates to take the demo test by following the provided Manual, in order to get accustomed to the platform and prepare for the day of the exam.

2. Zoom application: All candidates MUST install the Zoom web conferencing application.

3. Safe Exam Browser (SEB): All candidates MUST install the SEB. Candidates participating only in Oral exams should only install Zoom.

4. Identification: On the day of the exam, all candidates MUST have near them their ID / passport or other formal identification documentation that they must present to the proctor.

5. All candidates MUST have:

  • Desktop / laptop with at least Windows 7 OS.
  • Fixed Internet connection via Ethernet
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Headphones (required during the Listening part)

If the above is not applied, the candidate will be denied examination.

Exam Duration

The time allocated for each part of the written exam per level is clearly stated below:

Listening Reading Writing
B1 35' 60' 60'
B2 35' 60' 60'
C1 40' 75' 75'
C2 40' 75' 75'