Ημερίδα NOCN


Αγαπητοί συνεργάτες,

Με μεγάλη χαρά σας προσκαλούμε σε μία ξεχωριστή ημερίδα αποκλειστικά για ιδιοκτήτες κέντρων ξένων γλωσσών, υπεύθυνους τμημάτων αγγλικής γλώσσας και καθηγητές.


Σας περιμένουμε όλους τo Σάββατο, 9 Μαρτίου 2024, στις 16:00 στο OLYMPIC PALLADIUM HOTEL, Θεμιστοκλή Μοάτσου 42, Ρέθυμνο.

Για κράτηση θέσης ή πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε μέσω τηλεφώνου 28310-55397(09πμ-12μμ), ή μέσω email στο rethymno@palso.gr

Περιορισμένες θέσεις. Θα κρατηθεί αυστηρά σειρά προτεραιότητας.


A “Grammarful” Experience

Have you ever wondered why our students keep making mistakes when they speak or write? Why is it that learners find difficulty in using the language accurately, although they are repeatedly instructed the rules of use and usage?
In this speech, we will analyse a way in which grammar instruction will be effective and guaranteed to transform our lessons into a unique, “Grammarful” Experience!

Speaker: Sonia Paraskevaidou

An Outstanding Teacher! The Secrets of Keeping a Class Motivated and Engaged.

All children have some merit and deserve to learn. This seminar will reveal the secrets of turning misbehaved or uninterested students to engaged learners. We will discuss the ways to deal with the stakeholders, as well as the methodology which works in such cases. Finally, we will focus on cases of students whose attitude improved after certain methodological principles were applied.

Speaker: Sonia Paraskevaidou

NOCN ESOL International Exams Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to help the students organise their study and excel in NOCN English Language exams. This workshop is divided in two parts. In the first part, we will analyse all four sections of NOCN ESOL International Exams: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening. In the second part, students will practice in small groups.

Speaker: Sonia Paraskevaidou




16:00 - 16:30 - Προσέλευση

16:30 - 17:30 - Grammarful Experience - Ομιλήτρια: Sonia Paraskevaidou

17:30 - 18:00 - Coffee break

18:00 - 19:00 - Outstanding teacher - Ομιλήτρια: Sonia Paraskevaidou

19:00 - 19:10 - break

19:15 - 20:15 - Workshop NOCN exams for students - Ομιλήτρια: Sonia Paraskevaidou


Speaker: Sonia Paraskevaidou


"Sonia Paraskevaidou is an English teacher, Trainer, Chief Oral Examiner at NOCN and Chief Academic Consultant at Global Cert. She holds a BA majoring in Linguistics from the University of Athens and an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the University of Birmingham in the UK. Ms. Paraskevaidou has worked in language schools, private schools and Universities both in Greece and abroad. She has also participated in European projects and has received various awards. In 2014, she represented Greece at the International TED online seminar for teachers."